Good evening,
Calendar: Today’s calendar was led by Ronan. Great job Ronan!
Phonics: Today, students were introduced to
the “oo” sound, letter, and song. Students watched a video called “Geraldine
learns the /oo/ sound.” After this, students brainstormed a list of words that
contain the “oo” sound.
French: Please see
Mlle Jessica’s blog for more information.
Spelling: Today,
students wrote their spelling test. Now that students have practiced telling
time, they are able to use the clock to help pace themselves when working on
activities. Students are also sounding out the words they hear and recording
them accurately on paper. Well done today!
Lunch/ Recess 1
Math: Today, students continued
learning about Place Value. Students practiced creating groups of 10 by
circling 10 objects. Students completed an activity that involved creating
groups of 10 and including the remainders as 1s in order to represent two digit
numbers. Students used pictures, numerals, and charts to display their
findings. Students discovered that drawing objects in a line made them easier
to group into 10s.
Unit of Inquiry: Today, students focused
on the first two planets that are closest to the Sun. They created Mercury and
Venus using a variety of materials. We will continue to add to our diagrams as
we continue to investigate the planets in our solar system.
Lunch/ Recess 2
Gym: Please see Ms. Yustin’s
blog for more information.
Pack Up
Have a wonderful evening!!
Ms. Mather-Dyer
Important Dates to Remember
Spirit Week: March 5-9
Pajama Day (Wear PJs): March 5
Superhero and Princess Day: March 6
Wacky Wednesday (Hair or Hat): March 7
Sports Day (Wear a Jersey): March 8
St. Patrick’s Day (Wear Green): March 9
March Break (No School): March 12-23
Back to School: March 26
Show and Share:
Friday, March 2, 2018
Please bring in an item with your assigned sound.
Eric: "V/v"
Bryana and Krish: "oo"
Phonics: “V/v” and “oo” Due Monday, March 5, 2018
Up and Read: Due Monday, March 5, 2018
Words of the Week: Due
Monday, March
5, 2018
van 4. look
visit 5. moon
book 6. tooth
March Spelling Test: Thursday,
March 29, 2018
1. us
6. best
2. car
7. need
3. put
8. stop
4. run
9. hard
5. big
10. today